

* nonino * WA kyouto

Thank you for many people coming to our event "WA kyouto".
18 stores participate under the theme of "WA(traditional Japanese style)"and" Kyoto ".
There are many items along the theme, exclusive items,new works etc. at the venue.
I introduce the booth of * nonino * today.
* nonino * sold a teahouse by a new work.
It's the building which you can look at a landing point.
This is a very beautiful teahouse using the mesh.
The building in the SL,It seem cramped when compared to the size of the building of real life.
However, this building is not small and uncomfortable without being too wide,
I had take off my hat to nonino's works and exquisite space.
It's attractive one that LI is low.
The hand water bowl is not a new work, but I will introduce it because it is like personally.
A normal type and a type of the four season are included.
All of them are the beautiful finish. 
When you touched it, you can switch of on/off to water sound.

I displayed the venue it summer version.

nonino sells the noren of the new products.
The noren has "WA kyouto" exclusive design.
Don't miss it!

"WA kyouto"
June 1st - June 30th 0:00a.m. 2013(SLT)
Please walk straight from the landing point.
The gate is a teleporter. 
Please use it and TP to the venue.

Presented by project P&K
Japanese Blog
English Blog
flickr group

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